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Shifting tectonics

This project explores tectonics at the intersection of multiple elements that create landscapes. It uses digital modeling and rendering techniques to synthesize this representation of the dynamic realities of shifting landscapes.

Laced Landscapes

Laced Landscapes creates a series of spatial conditions by the use of intertwining thin lace-like elements that form closed continuous systems. Through qualities such as density and visual overlap, the resulting atmospheres emulate properties of foreground, middle-ground and background. 

Objects and Machines

This project explores the idea of creating composite machines through the aggregation of independent objects or parts. It explores two dimensional collage techniques to develop complex compositions of parts.

Desolate Landscapes

‘Desolate Landscapes’ is an interpretation of the bleak atmosphere generated during periods of isolation in dense city clusters. This isolation, fuelled by the pause in communication between independent city clusters generates an ambience that is "suspended" from normalcy.

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