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Timber in the City Competition, Queens, New York

Team: Alina Sebastian and Mary Krajekian
Mentor: Professor Igor Perez
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Located in Queens New York, this project explored the idea of timber construction for mid-rise buildings. The project reimagines a vacant waterfront site as a vibrant model for healthy biophilic living in urban areas. By combining programs of an early educational center, sports complex and residential units, the project creates a self-sustaining community in the borough of Queens that focus on four key aspects – integrate, simulate, cultivate, and facilitate. 

​The project uses timber as the primary construction material. The short-span program utilizes a 4m by 4m grid and the long span program is constructed using increments of the same grid. The ground floor if constructed using concrete due to the proximity of the site to water. This ensures structural longevity and protection from water. The residential units are developed in a way that they are made of 4m square modules that are repeated and interlock. This allows for alternating permanent and temporary walls and allows for flexibility in apartment sizes. This also allows for future expansion of apartment units to accommodate growing family needs.

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